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Building your webspace

Step 3: Transferring your Web page to the Webspace server

Once you have successfully completed Step 1: Creating your personal Web page and Step 2: Checking your Web page using a browser you are ready to publish your Web page to the FreeHostingGuru Webspace server. After activating your Webspace, your directory remains empty until you put a Web page there.

To put a Web page in your personal Webspace directory, you need to transfer the .htm file (and any .gif or .jpg image files) from your local computer to the FreeHostingGuru Webspace server - this procedure is called uploading.

Uploading files to your Webspace

The File Manager is a method of transferring files from your local computer to another on the Internet. You can use File Manager to upload, edit, rename, move, copy or delete the file.

You don't need any additional software. The File Manager has many more advanced features such as the ability to create subdirectories, and rename or delete subdirectories.

Check that your Web page was uploaded properly by typing your personal Webspace address in the Address (Microsoft Internet Explorer) or Location box (Netscape Communicator) :


Enjoy it.

Building your webspace:

Step 1: Creating your personal Web page

Step 2: Checking your Web page using a browser

Step 3: Transferring your Web page to the Webspace server